Author: Chip Hilton


Local Man Prefers Sex with Plants

WEST CHESTER, Pa.–Roger Stamen is not shy about declaring his preference in sexual partners. “Plants get me off,” says Mr. Stamen, a self-employed landscape gardener. “They always have, ever since I was a kid. When other guys were masturbating to Penthouse or Beaver, I was hunched over the latest issue of Horticulture magazine.” Sitting at Read More


AMA Dropping Elitist Foreign Names for Phobias

CHICAGO—American Medical Association (AMA) board member Deter Camel, MD, MPH, HMFIC, ended weeks of speculation when he announced yesterday that the association will discontinue its practice of giving “elitist foreign names” to phobias. Dr. Camel made the announcement during his weekly radio address, which is broadcast live to AMA members in operating rooms throughout the Read More


America Rocked by Assault on Capitol Decor

WEST GOSHEN TWP, PA—Last Wednesday afternoon a mob of Trump supporters, many of them armed, was roaming about the Senate floor and the Capitol Rotunda looking for souvenirs and a spot of bother, having recently stormed past “security” guards and police on the east and west sides of the building. The mob was met with armed if Read More


CFA Says Tiger Is Most Popular Cat Password

ALLIANCE, OH—According to The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA), the world’s largest registry of pedigreed cats, the cat name used most frequently as a computer password among its members is Tiger. People who believe that registering and showing cats is even more futile that herding them predict that such members may have litter in their caprese. Read More


Dishing with the HMFIC of National Penultimate Day℠

Our culture is obsessed with going the extra mile, giving 110 percent, leaving it all on the field. Supermarkets are open 24/7/365 to satisfy our shopping needs from A-to-Z, while athletes routinely crow about taking their games to a whole ‘nother level. Into the midst of this maelstrom, like the voice of one hand clapping Read More


SPAM to Introduce Edible Swimwear During Fashion Week

NEW YORK—Hormel Foods, makers of Spam, announced yesterday that it has added edible swimwear to the ever-growing catalog of novelty gift items made in the image and likeness of the popular foodstuff. According to Hormel’s chief information officer, Gloria Silverman, “SPAM swimwear is the first item in what is expected to be a long line Read More


Bill Maher, Ann Coulter Sex Video Leaked on Web

WEST CHESTER, Penna. – Political commentator and steamy, right-wing sex goddess Ann Coulter has never been loath to use her sexuality or her febrile tongue to sell books. She called used-to-be-presidential-candidate John Edwards a faggot, insinuated that Hillary Clinton is a “flabby-ass dyke,” suggested that widows of 9/11 victims “would go without panties to their Read More

Sporting Life

Gay Rights Group Slams Half-Time Engagement

CHICAGO—Born That Way, a militant, self-described “queer rights” group, condemned the recent engagement of two fellows named Michael and Jake at halftime of a Chicago Bulls home game. The stunt went down a treat with members of the OMG fainting-couch community. “The NBA’s First In-Game Gay Marriage Proposal Has Us Actually Crying It’s So Sweet,” Read More


NCTE Outraged over Time’s Choice of the Clitoris as Person of the Year

WASHINGTON, D.C.–The National Council for Transgender Equality (NCTE) charged today that Time magazine’s choice of the clitoris as its 2015 Person of the Year “invalidates the narratives” of thousands of transgender women around the world. “By conferring this award on the clitoris,” said the NCTE, “Time mocks transgender women everywhere, who are not considered part of this award Read More


New iPad 5 Will Introduce Fading Keypad Letters

CUPERTINO, Ca.–The big whisper from the Apple campus here in Cupertino is that Apple’s new iPad 5 and iPad Mimi 2 will introduce fading keypad letters. This innovation, one of several iPad redesign elements in the offing, has the potential to be the breakout star of Apple’s fall launch event scheduled for October 22. “Our Read More


NSA Instrumental in Busting Thai Gang Selling Fake Elephant IDs

BANGKOK(AP)– The National Security Agency (NSA) is claiming to have played “a major role” in helping police in Thailand to break up a gang that had provided false identification papers for fourteen elephants, a spokesperson for the organization told the Associated Press. Speaking over a secure channel via Skype on condition of anonymity, the spokesperson Read More


Obama Unfriends Putin on Facebook, International Crisis Looms

WEST CHESTER, Pa.–The Pug Bus learned overnight that President Barack Obama has unfriended Russian president Vladimir Putin on Facebook in retaliation for Mr. Putin’s offering temporary asylum to Edward Snowden. The news sent shock waves through the Facebook and international communities, triggering speculation of a return to Cold War status between the two nations. “This Read More


Taylor Swift Placed Under Suicide Watch (Breaking News)

READING, Pa.–Taylor Swift has been placed under a suicide watch by concerned members of her entourage, the Pug Bus learned today. The popular, six-foot-tall singer-songwriter has been sideswiped by increasingly severe and frequent panic attacks that have played havoc with her mental health and with her ability to write revenge songs. “Taylor is so terrified Read More