Author: Chip Hilton

Pug Bus Pop Quiz

The Jessica Simpson Divorce Quiz

LOS ANGELES – Although Jessica Simpson purchased a $3-million house in Beverly Hills following her split with Nick Lachey, the singer-actress-shoe designer seems to prefer the comfort of the storied Chateau Marmont when she has a date. According to several tabloid publications’ paid informants, however, some of the Chateau Marmont’s other guests wish Ms. Simpson Read More


Jennifer Lopez Will Appear Naked in PETA Parody

LOS ANGELES – Jennifer Lopez claims she is tired of being stalked by “animal rights whack jobs at PETA” (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). The star of song, screen, and fashion told reporters yesterday that she has agreed to appear naked in a pro-fur ad sponsored by the Fur Education Council of America Read More


Mrs. Coffee Files for Divorce, Names Jennifer Aniston in Suit

NEW YORK – Former Friends star Jennifer Aniston was named as “the principal contributing factor” in a divorce suit filed by Mrs. Coffee, wife of the popular coffee-making icon. The Coffees’ were married in 1973, the year Mr. Coffee skyrocketed to fame in the United States. Their marriage survived other disturbances, most notably Mr. Coffee’s flirtation with Read More


Britney Spears Has Breakdown, Exclusive Photos

MALIBU – After months of speculation, fat jokes, separation rumors, and bad hair days, pop star Britney Spears finally broke down yesterday. Friends and famliy members say it’s a wonder she didn’t break down sooner. “She’s been driving herself too hard, trying to be mother, bread winner, and baby-sitter to her two children,” said one Read More


Paris Hilton Denies Drunken Urination Charge

HOLLYWOOD – Spokespersons for Paris Hilton claim that the controversial celebutant will be “wholly and entirely exonerated” of allegations that she was drunk when she urinated in a taxi cab during a recent vacation on Maui. According to Ms. Hilton’s publicists, the towel a cab driver says he used to clean up after Ms. Hilton Read More


Colin Farrell Censored Website Photo, Exclusive

LOS ANGELES – Colin Farrell’s latest attempt to stop the world from seeing the sex video he made with his former girlfriend Nicole Narain two years ago has people wondering what he’s trying to hide. Last summer Farrell obtained a court order preventing Narain from selling the video. Nevertheless copies of the video were offered Read More


Angelina Jolie Revelation Tops New Year Predictions

WEST CHESTER, Penna. – Angelina Jolie’s shocking admission that Robert DeNiro is the biological father of her “adopted” son, Maddox, tops the First Annual Pug Bus New Year Predictions. “Why do you think she inflicted that godawful mohawk on the kid?” asked the Pug Bus’ resident seer, Pugnacious. “She wants him to look like a Read More


Mariah Carey in Talks with Jenny Craig

LOS ANGELES – Diva par excellence Mariah Carey, having mounted a successful comeback as a singer, now means to conquer the world of endorsements. The increasingly rotund Carey, thirty-six, huddled with executives from Jenny Craig in Aspen early last week to discuss the possibility of replacing Fat Actress star Kirsty Alley as the Jenny Craig Salt Lick Read More


Cameron Diaz Sues KFC Alleging Bird Flu Symptoms

HOLLYWOOD – Cameron Diaz filed a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against the KFC corporation in Los Angeles superior court. The suit alleges that Diaz developed flulike symptoms after eating a three-piece, leg-and-thigh, extra-crispy dinner earlier this month. Also named in the suit is the KFC outlet on Rodeo Drive, where Diaz purchased the dinner at the take-out Read More


Jennifer Aniston Backlash Is Building

BOSTON – Public opinion researchers at Harvard and MIT have confirmed a rumor that a Jennifer Aniston backlash is building across the United States. The first hint of the backlash appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education on December 2. “What recently divorced actress is in danger of becoming so last year as a result of overexposure Read More


Sir Elton John Slams Lady Madonna

LONDON – Marriage has not mellowed Sir Elton John, who exchanged vows with his longtime lover, David Furnish, today. At his pre-wedding hen party Monday night, John, 58, called Madonna “a miserable cow” for not attending the cabaret-style bash. “She was probably too busy practicing her phony British accent,” said John. “It would serve her Read More


Tom Cruise Pitching Brokeback Mountain Prequel

HOLLYWOOD – Tom Cruise, who reportedly turned down the role of Jack Twist in Brokeback Mountain, is quietly angling to play Twist’s gay ranch cook in a prequel to Brokeback Mountain called Out Behind the Mountain. According to Hollywood insiders, Cruise turned down the role of Twist, which eventually went to Jake Gyllenhaal, because Cruise feared that his portrayal Read More


Jennifer Aniston Sued over Topless Photos

LOS ANGELES – Jennifer Aniston is being sued by photographer Peter Brandt, who charges that Aniston “wantonly exposed her breasts” in her backyard, thereby interfering with his ability to earn a living. According to an attractive nuisance suit filed by Brandt’s attorney in Los Angeles, the incident occurred three weeks ago when Brandt, 53, was Read More


Jennifer Aniston Mocks Pitt for Adopting Jolie’s Kids

PHOENIX, Ariz. – Brad Pitt has filed a legal petition in Los Angeles seeking to change the names of Angelina Jolie’s children to Zahara Brangelina and Maddox Brangelina. His decision was met with scorn from his ex-wife, Jennifer Aniston. The Friends star declared that Pitt was “too lazy and too [hen-pecked]” to find children to adopt on Read More