Author: Chip Hilton


Spay Britney Spears Campaign Picks Up Endorsements

WEST CHESTER, Penna. – The campaign to spay Britney Spears, launched yesterday by Postcards from the Pug Bus, southeastern Pennsylvania’s leading satirical website, has gained three important endorsements. According to Pug Bus editor in briefs, Phil Maggitti, the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Mensa Society, and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) have expressed their Read More


Spay Britney Spears Campaign Announced

WEST CHESTER, Penna. – A campaign to spay Britney Spears has been launched by Postcards from the Pug Bus, southeastern Pennsylvania’s leading satirical website. According to Pug Bus editor in briefs, Phil Maggitti, “At the rate Ms. Spears is reproducing, she and her offspring will give birth to thousands of babies, who will more than Read More


Tom Cruise Backlash Queers Mission Impossible 3 Debut

HOLLYWOOD – A Tom Cruise backlash appears to have queered the box office for Mr. Cruise’ latest film Mission Impossible 3, which failed to measure up to expectations last weekend. MI3 earned roughly $48 million, domestic, making it No. 1 with a bullet, but the bullet was aimed at its feet. Domestic box office for MI3 had been expected to Read More


Britney Spears Has Husband Kevin Federline Microchipped

MALIBU – Britney Spears has fitted her husband Kevin Federline with a microchip, hoping to accomplish with technology what she couldn’t accomplish with sex, automobiles, or childbirth. The device—a transponder, actually—was implanted between Mr. Federline’s shoulder blades recently. “Thousands and thousands of husbands run off each year and are never returned to their homes because Read More


Keith Richards and Kaavya Viswanathan Will File Lawsuits

WEST CHESTER, Penna. – Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards and Harvard sophomore Kaavya Viswanathan will turn to the courts to seek redress for their current misfortunes, The Wall Street Journal reported this morning. Mr. Richards suffered a concussion when he fell out of a coconut tree at the Wakaya Club resort in Fiji. Ms Viswanathan suffered loss Read More


President Bush Says America Dreamz Sends the Wrong Message

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following a private White House screening of American Dreamz, President George W. Bush told reporters that the comedy, which stars Dennis Quaid as an amiable dimwit who believes God chose him to lead the country, sends the wrong message about America. “People who don’t know anything about America won’t learn much from watching American Read More


Angelina Jolie Makes Brad Pitt Her Bitch

NAMIBIA – Unable to convince Angelina Jolie to become his wife, Brad Pitt has settled for becoming her bitch instead. Mr. Pitt’s transformation from leading man to nanny began on the set of Mr. & Mrs. Smith nearly two years ago, according to friends of the couple. “It’s been a gradual process,” said one friend, “but nobody Read More


Britney Spears Blames Lack of Gravity for Baby’s Fall

MALIBU – Britney Spears told child welfare agents that her son’s fall on April 1 was caused by a temporary lack of gravity, which is “emblematic of a larger crisis to come.” The twenty-four-year-old pop star explained that she first learned of “the impending gravity problem” through her studies of Kabbalah, a Jewish mystical tradition. Read More


Jennifer Aniston Is Friends with Money

CHICAGO – Art imitates Jennifer Aniston for the erstwhile Friends star in her latest vehicle, Friends with Money. The movie, which played to a packed house at Sundance this year, not only references the television vehicle that brought Ms. Aniston stardom but also exploits her current persona as a woman wronged. When the movie opens, Ms. Aniston’s character, Read More


Tom Cruise Wedding Flashback 1: In the Beginning

BERLIN – Scientologist Tom Cruise flew to Germany a few days ago to announce that he and his pregnant fiancee, Katie Holmes, would be married this summer. Mr. Cruise told Bild, a German newspaper, that he “won’t let this woman get away,” which is something of an understatement as Ms. Holmes has been microchipped like a Read More