Author: philmaggitti


Celebrating National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

PHILADELPHIA – September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month, when we pause to acknowledge obese children across the United States. A growing presence in this country, obese children have ballooned from 6.5 to 19.6 percent of the childhood population in the last three decades. The National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, which Read More


An Open Letter to the Rolling Stones

Dear Mick, Keith, Charlie, and the New Guy,I have learned recently that you geezers might be touring next year. Please don’t. In the name of all that’s wrinkled, wizened, and way past its prime—namely you sorry git—take a minute to stop and think about what you’re doing. You look like shite; you sound like shite. Read More


Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin Gone and Forgotten

PHILADELPHIA – Five years ago tomorrow Steve Irwin, better known as the crocodile hunter, died as he had lived: messing with a dangerous critter with whom he had no business messing. This time it was a bull stingray, who was minding his own business in waters near the Great Barrier Reef when the Billy Mays Read More


Irene Dumps Record Number of Cliches on East Coast

PHILADELPHIA – As Hurricane Irene waddled up the East Coast Saturday night and Sunday morning–slower than Kirstie Alley climbing into her sitz bath–forecasters were predicting that Irene would surpass the record number of cliches spawned by Hurricane Floyd in 1999. “Floyd has been the gold standard for us,” said Chase Linderman, senior cliche tracker at Read More


Casey Anthony Jurors, Exclusive Sneak Preview and Personal Details

ORLANDO, Fla. – The identities of the jurors who found Casey Anthony not guilty of murdering her two-and-a-half-year-old daughter, Caylee, will be made public tomorrow amid fears that they will be targeted for retribution by internet cranks, the grossly unappealing, the morbidly obese, and other social rejects who want “Justice for Caylee.” After a thirty-three-day Read More


National Debunking the Nativity Scene Day℠

WEST GOSHEN, Pa.–Despite chowder heads’ insistence that conflate means “to confuse,” conflate means “to combine two or more texts, ideas, or fanciful stories into one.” A case in point is the Nativity story, popular this time of year. It combines the stories of Jesus’ birth, which are found only in the gospels attributed to St. Matthew and Read More