Author: philmaggitti


Atheist Brotherhood to Begin Unbaptizing Dead People

WEST GOSHEN TOWNSHIP, Pa.–The Universal Brotherhood of the Confrontational Atheist (UBCA) will begin unbaptizing dead people next month, says the group’s founder, the Reverend Philip Feral. Believed to be the first program of its kind in West Goshen Township, which was Money Magazine‘s eleventh-best small town in America in 2009, unbaptizing removes “the taint of baptism” Read More

Pug Bus Pop Quiz

National One-Hit Wonders Day Quiz

 WEST GOSHEN, PA—Today we sing the praises of the one-hit wonder (OHW)—pop music’s most prodigious benefactor, the artist who keeps on giving even after he or she or them or it is no longer selling and is setting the GPS for Branson. Yet there is power in the relevance of the irrelevant, my fellow babies, Read More


Magic Mushroom Research Validates Sixties Stories

BALTIMORE, MD — Researchers at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Medicine’s Internal Research Department have demonstrated that the sixties, a period of mythical renown in American culture, really were as “groovy” as some people claim. In the straightforward study, thirty-six carefully screened, non-drug-using subjects were given “magic mushrooms,” a popular recreational substance during the sixties, Read More

Ass Hats

Carron J. Phillips of Deadspin is the Asshat of the Moment

Inspiration, like god, works in mysterious ways. Just the other day we were inspired by a piece we saw on the Deadspin website, not a place where a person usually goes for inspiration. This piece, obviously written by a  knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing, shit-flinging, mother-loving, liberal mungwad, featured the inspiring headline: “Players and recruits shouldn’t trust Kim Read More


Yin and Yang Seek Divorce, Citing Irreconcilable Differences

Brussels–Yin and Yang, one of the world’s most beloved and recognizable couples, has filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for their split. “It happens,” said the dark-haired Ms. Yin. “After thousands of years couples just grow apart. I’ll always love Yang and his bright, active approach to life, but it’s time for Read More


High Times Declares Five Strains of Cannabis Extinct

NEW YORK—High Times magazine estimates that 98 percent of all marijuana strains ever created have gone extinct, and more strains face the danger of extinction each day. Bedhead OG? Available in the northernmost parts of Minnesota, if you’re lucky. Pwr Bttm? Began to disappear right around the time the band did. Zimmerman’s Folly? Hasn’t been Read More


Top Ten Things That Will Fall Now That Roe Has Fallen

The overthrow of Roe v. Wade, according to many in the chatterverse, signaled a trampling of all that’s good and holy that will make Sherman’s March to the Sea look like a highway adoption program. Fauxcahontas Warren (Cherokee-MA) predicts the two-for-one fall of gay marriage and interracial marriage. Bette Midler calls for women to take a Read More


Thoughts on First Visiting Wellsboro Cemetery

The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow’r,And all that beauty, all that wealth e’er gave,Awaits alike th’ inevitable hour.The paths of glory lead but to the grave.             Thomas Gray, “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” Wellsboro, Pennsylvania, population 3,191, was founded in 1806. Had we been able to choose our birthplace, we would have chosen there; Read More


Wal-Mart Employees Embarrassed by Stock Decline

MORGANTOWN, Penna. – The recent decline in the value of Wal-Mart stock has decimated company morale, threatened the social fabric of many small communities, and led thousands of Wal-Mart employees to seek other career opportunities. Wal-Mart shares dropped nearly 4 percent on Thursday, threatening their four-and-a-half-year low set in late April, and Wal-Mart employees are Read More


Did God Write Other Books Besides The Bible?

WEST CHESTER, Pa.–Like J.K. Rowling, who has not stopped writing since finishing the Harry Potter series, God may not have stopped writing after finishing The Bible, say some Christian scholars. Indeed, they argue, it would have been an incredible waste of talent if God had never written another book. “If you had authored the greatest book Read More

You Can't PhotoShop This

A Barrel of Laughs at the Gastroenterology Office: You Can’t Photoshop This

WEST GOSHEN, Pa.—When was the last time you had a good laugh in the gastroenterology office? A really good laugh, not some tight-ass snortle, but a full-on, stuff-coming-out-your-nose production? I didn’t think so. There’s more laughter at funerals than at the gastro’s. Of course people who attend funerals usually don’t spend the night before shoving M80s up Read More


5 Easy Hacks for Improving Your Karma This Summer

WEST CHESTER, Penna. – Contrary to popular opinion–and to the creators of My Name Is Earl–karma is not about payback, nor is it about living right so you don’t come back as a port-o-potty in the next life, and it sure as hell ain’t about some Great Score Keeper in the sky. Karma was invented more Read More


New Study Suggests: Obesity Is Weighing Down the Human Soul

WEST GOSHEN TWP, Pa–A new study published in Applied Psychological Measurement suggests that the obesity epidemic has begun to make quantifiable inroads on the human soul. The study, conducted by a team of researchers from the Johns Hopkins University School of Social Psychometrics, was designed to replicate a century-old study that reported the weight of the human Read More