

Pat Robertson Advocates Killing Obese People

HAMPTON ROADS, Vir. – Televangelist Pat Robertson says the United States is wasting precious resources on diets that don’t work and “needs to consider other alternatives” in combating obesity. Speaking on his Christian news-talk television show The 700 Club, Robertson said this country needs to launch a full scale War on Obesity, similar to the War Read More


Pope John Paul II on Fast Track for Sainthood

ROME – Catholics campaigning to have the late Pope John Paul II declared a saint in record time should welcome two reports of miracles alleged to have occurred at the pontiff’s tomb. A woman from Turin who couldn’t find her car keys took the train to Rome to view the pope’s tomb yesterday. While she Read More


Court Division on Ten Commandments Seen as Good

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Supreme Court decision regarding the placement of the Ten Commandments in courtrooms and public buildings is expected to give a boost to sales of the boxed-set, leather-bound collectors’ edition of the Ten Commandments, which will hit stores early next week. This collectors’ edition ships complete with an illustrated, twenty-six-page, large-print booklet Read More


Ten Commandments Decision On Record

OPP, Alabama – A boxed-set, leather-bound collectors edition of the Ten Commandments, complete with an illustrated, twenty-six-page, large-print booklet containing an accurate facsimile of God’s original outline and recording notes, will hit record stores early next week. The spoken word CD, which also contains divinely inspired B-sides and studio outtakes, is being released by Almighty Read More


Charlotte Church Flirting with Tibetan Buddhism

CARDIFF – Charlotte Church told reporters yesterday that “in all probability” she will become a practicing Buddhist soon. The nineteen-year-old singer, who has been struggling for the last three years to establish her identity apart from the music industry, said she is “thoroughly disenchanted by the antediluvian posturing of the Catholic Church” into which she Read More


Koran Story Creates Status Symbol in Hollywood

LOS ANGELES – The international furor created by Newsweek‘s bogus story about the desecration of the Koran by US interpreters in Guantanamo Bay has made the Muslims’ sacred text an overnight status symbol in Hollywood. Celebrities who carried Chihuahuas into chic restaurants yesterday now show up with slightly worn copies of the Koran wrapped in protective Read More