. . . . . Only Jesus pardons more than Joe Biden . . . . . "The truth is hate to those who hate the truth." (Stormfront) . . . . . too many presenters on YouTube have faces made for radio . . . . . "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” (Eleanor Roosevelt) . . . . . a level playing field lifts no boats . . . . . the best arguments against reincarnation are first grade and first wives . . . . . familiarity breeds . . . . . whether you think you can or you can't, you're right . . . . . song stuck in local man's head wants out . . . . . the unexamined life is not worth examining . . . . . well begun is, well, begun . . . . . if it's statistically impossible, it's impossible . . . . . no one gives a shit about your pronouns . . . . . as one gets old, old times' sake is the only sake left . . . . . less is more only if more is out to lunch . . . . .

NSA Admits to Snooping on Your Booty Calls

WASHINGTON–National Security Agency (NSA) personnel have, on numerous occasions, used their agency’s ginormous eavesdropping power to spy on booty calls and other communications of a sexual nature, reported FOX News “O’Reilley Factor” last night. The NSA, as usual, was quick to respond, issuing the following denial before the Fox News broadcast had concluded. “This sort Read More


NSA Instrumental in Busting Thai Gang Selling Fake Elephant IDs

BANGKOK(AP)– The National Security Agency (NSA) is claiming to have played “a major role” in helping police in Thailand to break up a gang that had provided false identification papers for fourteen elephants, a spokesperson for the organization told the Associated Press. Speaking over a secure channel via Skype on condition of anonymity, the spokesperson Read More


Slap Hillary and Ten Other Women that Need Slapping

WEST CHESTER, Pa.–Ultra Violet, a group that wages a self-righteous holy war against perceived sexism, has its white cotton panties in a bunch over the Slap Hillary game currently available on the web at Slap Hillary. Promoted by a Republican super PAC (thank Sweet Baby Jesus that some Republicans have a sense of humor), Slap Hillary allows everyone Read More


Obama Unfriends Putin on Facebook, International Crisis Looms

WEST CHESTER, Pa.–The Pug Bus learned overnight that President Barack Obama has unfriended Russian president Vladimir Putin on Facebook in retaliation for Mr. Putin’s offering temporary asylum to Edward Snowden. The news sent shock waves through the Facebook and international communities, triggering speculation of a return to Cold War status between the two nations. “This Read More

Saints Alive

There’s a Saint for That, New from The Village Atheist

WEST CHESTER, Pa–The Catholic church is nothing if not fanciful, some might even say fey, as in man-in-a-purple-dress fey. Those ornate Pius of Hollywood jumpers favored by the church’s high priests, the three-story hats that dwarf the chubby little pope beneath them, the gothic organ music, Omen-like choirs, and incense-laden rituals: do these strike anyone else Read More

Sporting Life

Top Ten People Riley Cooper Wants to Fight

PHILADELPHIA–Eagles wide receiver Riley Cooper started a conversation on race in America when he declared at a Kenny Chesney concert in June, “I will jump that fence and fight every nigger here, bro.” Mr. Cooper’s threat eventually went viral on the internet, prompting a shit rain of indignation over his outburst. Hoping to convince people Read More