. . . . . Only Jesus pardons more than Joe Biden . . . . . "The truth is hate to those who hate the truth." (Stormfront) . . . . . too many presenters on YouTube have faces made for radio . . . . . "Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” (Eleanor Roosevelt) . . . . . a level playing field lifts no boats . . . . . the best arguments against reincarnation are first grade and first wives . . . . . familiarity breeds . . . . . whether you think you can or you can't, you're right . . . . . song stuck in local man's head wants out . . . . . the unexamined life is not worth examining . . . . . well begun is, well, begun . . . . . if it's statistically impossible, it's impossible . . . . . no one gives a shit about your pronouns . . . . . as one gets old, old times' sake is the only sake left . . . . . less is more only if more is out to lunch . . . . .
Book of Daze

Celebrating National Blivit Day℠

WEST CHESTER, PA—Today our divided nation unites in the observation of National Blivit Day. According to Reader’s Digest, where blivit first appeared in a 1945 column called “Humor in Uniform,” a blivit was originally defined as “ten pounds of shit in a five-pound bag.” The bag, either cloth or paper, was used by flyers to dispose of #2, Read More

Book of Daze

National Earworm Day℠

WEST GOSHEN TWP, Pa.–Before we fusilade the fireworks in celebration of National Earworm Day, we must observe that said day is the only national day (so far) to have it own patron saint. That’s right all Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran boys and girls suffering from an earworm, a scrap of a song that gets stuck in Read More

Book of Daze

National AARP Senior Sperm Day℠

WASHINGTON, D.C.–The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) will issue a two-finger proclamation sometime today, declaring that (1) January 3 will henceforth and hereinafter be known as National AARP Senior Sperm Day and (2) sperm samples provided by men older than fifty-five will compete in a seniors division in laboratory fertility tests. The AARP declaration Read More


New Sex Drug Stops Premature Ejaculation

SAN ANTONIO – Johnson & Johnson, makers of No More Tears, electrified the proceedings of the American Urological Association yesterday by announcing the development of a drug that stops premature ejaculation in its tracks. That drug, dapoxetine, is made from the root of the Rabbit’s Foot cactus, a small, rapidly developing plant that grows wild Read More


Pot Is Dead

If Nietzsche were alive today, he would have to declare, “Pott ist tot.” Pot is dead. In Nietzsche’s time, as in ours, these sorts of uber deaths occur long before most people notice. Indeed, there are still worshipers who attend church on Sunday even though god has been dead an ungodly long time; and most Read More


Obesity-Causing Virus Found on Toilet Seats

BATON ROUGE—A virus commonly found on toilet seats (TS-36) may be at the bottom of the obesity epidemic threatening to engulf the United States and to put a morbid strain on its gravity supply. Until now obesity was thought to be caused largely by overeating, prolonged residence below the Mason-Dixon Line, frequent attendance at cat Read More


Dishing with the HMFIC of National Penultimate Day℠

Our culture is obsessed with going the extra mile, giving 110 percent, leaving it all on the field. Supermarkets are open 24/7/365 to satisfy our shopping needs from A-to-Z, while athletes routinely crow about taking their games to a whole ‘nother level. Into the midst of this maelstrom, like the voice of one hand clapping Read More

Sporting Life

Dab Rig Manufacturer Issues Refunds for Kaepernick Model

SAN FRANCISCO—Rigs-R-Us, the nation’s leading manufacturer of “smoking enhancement technology for the socially conscious,” offered refunds today to any customers who bought a Colin Kaepernick Puffco Peak dab rig that would not start. The Kaepernick model ($399.99 MSRP), was introduced to coincide with the start of the National Football League season three weeks ago. It Read More


BLM Declares National White Chocolate Day Racist

WEST CHESTER, PA—Black Lives Matter (BLM) plans to interrupt tail-gaiting parties at several NFL games this afternoon to protest the celebration of National White Chocolate Day, observed each year on September 22. BLM Minister of Information Rashieel Watson-Korengi told Postcards from the Pug Bus that the protests were long overdue. “Crackers been celebrating that white Read More


SPAM to Introduce Edible Swimwear During Fashion Week

NEW YORK—Hormel Foods, makers of Spam, announced yesterday that it has added edible swimwear to the ever-growing catalog of novelty gift items made in the image and likeness of the popular foodstuff. According to Hormel’s chief information officer, Gloria Silverman, “SPAM swimwear is the first item in what is expected to be a long line Read More