
Pope Francis OK with Miley Cyrus Remark

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VATICAN CITY–Pope Francis told the website Hunger TV that people should not be so quick to condemn Miley Cyrus for saying she didn’t want some “seventy-year-old Jewish man that doesn’t leave his desk all day, telling me what the clubs want to hear.”

Speaking via Skype, his holiness said, “The young people I follow on Twitter are seeking their own path through their own experience. I was like that when I was twenty. I didn’t want some old man in a white dress in the Vatican telling me there was only one path to salvation. Now that I am an old man in a white dress in the Vatican, I try to practice understanding.”

After pausing to check his text messages, Pope Francis chuckled, ” Render unto Miley the things that are Miley’s. If I were going to a club, I’d probably call Miley Cyrus for advice instead of a seventy-year-old Jewish man..”

The Digital Pope also said he was not offended by Ms. Cyrus’ antics on or off stage.

“Believe me, she’s got nothing on Mary Magdalen, and Jesus did not find Mary’s company objectionable. Though I wouldn’t go so far as to say they ever hooked up.”    

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